- ARTEKS is building Zlaten Vek Building The Supreme Administrative Court finally confirms the construction of the emblematic building Zlaten Vek.
- Architect Plamen Plamenov Miryanov and a large part of the ARTEKS ENGINEERING AD team honored the celebration of Lozenets District Link to the event
Arch. Vesela Miryanova: There is no better weapon against fear and hate than faith and love!
Interview of Arch. Vesela Miryanova for the new "24 hours" project and MILA.bg "Women who make a difference”.
Link to the interview - Official statement of ARTEKS regarding the renewed construction of the Zlaten Vek Building Link to the statement
- The court clearly stated - ZLATEN VEK has a legal building permit Prof. Gerdjikov's article on the legality of the ZLATEN VEK building
- ARTEKS the quality An article by architect Plamen Plamenov Miryanov for "24 Hours" newspaper.
- The Court confirmed the legality of ZLATEN VEK "Despite the losses, we continue to insist on quality construction."
- A legal statement of Professor Doncho Hrusanov and Professor Dimitar Kostov on the case of the suspension of the ZLATEN VEK Building. link to the statement
An interview with architect Vessela Miryanova, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARTEKS ENGINEERING AD for "24 Hours" newspaper.
Architect Vessela Miryanova: “Quality in every centimeter”.
- The statement of professor Doncho Hrusanov about ZLATEN VEK building The permission for Zlaten Vek constructing is acting and valid.
- Architect Plamen Plamenov Miryanov and foundation "Our home is Bulgaria" received the "Golden Heart" award. “Every art, in which we dedicate all our talent, should serve as an example to people and society, not to serve our ego”, said architect Miryanov.
An exclusive interview with the young architect Plamen Plamenov Miryanov for BulgariaOnAir
Who is architect Plamen Plamenov Miryanov?
How do architecture, directing and love of the homeland go together?