First Congress of Women Entrepreneurs Council – Istanbul, 29.09.2011 – 2.10.2011

First Congress of Women Entrepreneurs Council The First Congress of Women Entrepreneurs Council (WEC) to the Association of Balkan Chambers (ABC) was held in Istanbul, 29.09.2011. – 2.10.2011 Arch. Vessela Mirianova is a member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Association of Women Entrepreneurs. The purpose of ABC is individual economic development of each member state and the region as a whole. The Association is committed to establishing common economic interests, identification of additional ones, and introduction of internationally recognized standards and criteria. In this respect, ABC facilitates the necessary structural changes in the economies of individual countries and thus supports their participation in world integration processes.

ABC WEC is expected to encourage the women for entrepreneurship, contribute to the improvement of women entrepreneurship skills in the Balkan region and encourage women entrepreneurs for further involvement in the economic activities in the region.
